Smoke Alarms

smoke alarms sold in Jamaica west indies

Do you know that 65% of all home fire deaths happen, in homes which either have no smoke alarm or the smoke alarm that are present are not working.

Looking for smoke alarms in Jamaica

In these modern times we are surrounded by electronic gadgets wherever we go. Jamaican consumers have gotten tech savvy with the latest smartphones, the internet of things, smart TVs, smart light switches etc just to stay on top of things. Many homeowners usually think about installing grills on their windows and doors, getting dogs and installing alarms for protection, but one of the most overlooked electronic device for homeowners in Jamaica is the smoke alarm.

In the past year there has been headlines in our newspaper with the caption “Major Fire At Wisynco”, “Three Children Burnt To Death In Kingston House Fire”, “Christmas Horror for Kingston Families As Fire Destroys Home“, “17 Homeless After Fire Destroys Three Houses In Mount Salem”, ” Elderly Woman Perishes As Fire Destroys Four-storey House in Rockfort”, and the list goes on.

To learn more about our smoke alarms in Jamaica call us at (876) 926-7252 or Email us at

Majority of these catastrophes could have been averted if a smoke alarm was installed in every room on the premises. Smoke alarms detect smoke fairly early and installing them will ensure better safety for you and your family in the event of a fire or fire related emergency.

The Benefits Of  Smoke Alarms In Jamaica

Almost 43% of fires break out between 6 PM. and midnight. Hence, it is essential to have a mains alarm which alerts sleeping homeowners about the smoke and fire.

Seeing a house burn down is frightening. No family should ever have to go through such a tragedy, but it does happen. It’s rather unfortunate, because there are affordable systems that can be put in place that can protect a home from this. Smoke detectors have been around for awhile, but as technology has advanced they’ve become more accurate, and it’s that accuracy that can save lives. Installing these features in the Jamaican home brings a wide variety of benefits, and they all go back to making you and your loved ones safe.


If you had the chance to do something that would help you, you’d do it, right?  Well, installing smoke detectors would be doing right thing. It’s so clearly a benefit to have, as you’re taking the necessary steps to avoid disaster caused by fire. These tools give access to early detection. The faster smoke of any kind is detected, the faster it is for you to prevent a fire from spreading and destroying your home. It’s a win-win for you and your loved ones.  For smoke alarms to be effective, they must have a functional power source, be close enough to the smoke to activate, they must be heard, and occupants must take appropriate action.

A fire can zip through an entire house in under four minutes without intervention. You need those smoke alarms that can detect the first whiff of smoke and sound the alarm. You also need a home evacuation plan so that family members know what to do in case of fire. You can prepare for every possibility, but if that smoke alarm fails to go off, the whole plan is going to fall through.

smoke detection alarm suppliers in Jamaica west indies

Fire safety experts recommend testing smoke alarms at least once a month to make sure they remain at ready-alert. By checking your alarms, you’ll also be giving your family a chance to learn what the alarm sounds like and to reinforce for them what they should do if they hear it. By knowing what the sound is and what to do, you can calm your children’s fears immensely. A house is a major investment and a smoke alarm is a need small investment to protect your house and family.

Once a year you should replace all smoke alarm batteries with brand new ones. If your alarms are operated solely by batteries, if one dies, your safety goes with it. There are alarms on the market which operate both on electric current and back-up batteries. Even with these, you need to keep the batteries in working order. Think about having a power outage with no batteries in the smoke alarm. So much for fire protection! Another kind of battery you can buy runs on lithium batteries which don’t need to be replaced for ten years.

There is no valid excuse for not having working smoke alarms in your home. With new smoke alarms costing as little as $5 including the battery to 9-volt batteries than can be purchased for under $2, smoke alarms can be the best investment you ever make. You might also keep one or two new batteries on hand so that you can replace a battery immediately if it goes bad.

Would you believe there are people who remove the batteries from their smoke detectors because false alarms annoy them? Even if your alarm is ultra-sensitive and goes off for little reasons, like burnt toast, you don’t want to leave your family unguarded. Leave the battery in and bear with the annoyance. Next time you’re at a store, buy yourself a new, less sensitive alarm.

Contact CESCO today for your smoke alarm by calling 876-926-7252 or email us at

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